Saturday, January 20, 2007

Trying to catch up.

One of my new years resolutions was to post more & make more of my blog, but so far I'm failing big style. Here a few pictures of my latest work including my first 3 year of jewellery pieces, a necklace made using the double rose window & cuboctohedron patterns from & a flower brooch from beadwork magazine


Unknown said...

bravo c'est superbe !!
ta façon de perler est tout en finesse`
j'aime beaucoup !!

Sarah said...


Nancy said...

Your necklace here is what inspired the color choices that I made for the one I have on Beadinfitium. I ended with a vintage rose color but looking at you mellow mocha inspired my choice. Your work is very nice and I enjoy checking it out!! Thanks for posting!


Nancy said...
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Sarah said...

Thank you Nancy! I checked out your necklace on Beadinfinitum, it's absolutely georgeous!Beautiful colours!

Manos de Angel said...

hi, lock web, and the necles is spectacular pls, techme cubotahedrom and double rose windows. sendme please the patterns i love de necles and have for me sendme the answer. kisses