Sunday, July 01, 2007

Twisted ndebele ribbon necklace.

I finished this today, I've been wanting to try this variation of herringbone from Carol Wilcox Wells book the Art & Elegance of Beadweaving, ever since the book came out. I thought it would take ages though so never bothered, it actually didn't take as long as I thought, it was much quicker than the other twists I've done. I enjoyed the technique but visually I prefer the contrasting colours in the other 2 twists. I will be buying some beads later so I now know to purchase some high contrast colours, I better go grab Margie Deebs book before I shop.

Hopefully my next finished object will be a bead embroidered folk art style bird, fingers crossed it works out.



The Lone Beader® said...

Wow! That came out really pretty! I am in awe... :)

Sarah said...

Thank you, Diana! & thanks for your comments , I really appreciate them. I am constantly in awe when I see your work! It's groovy man(lol)!