Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another crystal rosette bracelet

I finished this a few days ago but haven't had chance to post, it's been a really busy week, I used a sort of midnight blue matte ab seed beads, matte ab is my favourite finish at the moment. I apologise for the purpleness of the background, I was trying to make my photo's less boring, but I have the feeling that this background colour is just a little too interesting! I also made a tassel necklace for myself but haven't got around to taking pics yet. I am dithering about what to make for my mil, it's her birthday Saturday so I'd better get my butt in gear, but no doubt I will spend too much time reading blogs when I should be beading!



The Lone Beader® said...

Nice job:)

As missangasdeJeaninhas said...

Jeaninhas, From portugal :o)